Sunday, December 2, 2007

Topic 2

Lamags asks, what are you passionate about. Saving the world I answer. How lame is that and yet that is honestly my goal in life. I’m pretty realistic about it considering I don’t think I’ll be able to do it. Question one is down; I want to save the world. I don’t think I could write only about saving the world though. So I’ve questioned what part of our world needs the most saving. Africa came to mind. That is definitely a topic I am passionate about. When I was a child I wondered why the U.S. has people pissing in gold toilets while Africa has millions of people dying of HUNGER and AIDS. Both could be somewhat prevented by other countries and humans. The issue of Darfur only compacts my sympathy toward the country. I first learned of Darfur when I read the book “What is the What?” Ever since I have wanted to do something for Africa. The I.C. could be that something.

1 comment:

해성 said...

I think it is so amazing that you can say that you want to save the world. Even though you are aware of the fact that it probably is not going to be possible by yourself, it shows that you are willing to be responsible for something big and great. I am glad to know that there are people like you who care about what is going on with people who need help and people who do not get the help that they need. Only if people could understand that big changes start from one or two persons and their courage. Even though it might seem like nothing, but it is huge for some people.
I think your paper would be very interesting and I would like to read it!