Thursday, January 31, 2008

Class Discussion on the Objectification of Women

The Wednesday class discussion on female objectification in the media went as expected. Nick thought the topic was a load of crap. Tony thought we would never be able to end it and even if we could where would the line be. When would we begin to censor too much? Alex defended the male end of the spectrum. The discussion was interesting and dull at the same time.
I love our English class’s in-class discussions. I think people say, for the most part, intelligent and well thought out comments. I enjoy arguing. I enjoy Lamags trying to hold back. I truly enjoy it all. But…I can’t help but get annoyed. I feel like we never really get anywhere with the discussions. I feel like no one truly listens to what the speaker has to say. I think checking out and calling the discussion crap wastes our time. I think giving up and saying ‘it makes money and it will never change so why are we arguing’ also wastes our time. I feel like some people hold so tightly to their opinions they refuse to listen to opposing ideas.
I think it’s important that we have discussions on topics as important as the objectification of women but I feel discouraged because I feel like we never get anywhere with them. I don’t need anyone to concede their opinion but I want participation. I felt almost felt disinterested during the conversation because I believe what I believe and no one said anything compelling to make me change my mind.

1 comment:

STEVE "B.Will" Willliams said...

haha hi,
Okay so I definitely agree with your blog. I love hearing other people's ideas and then people getting like hyped about what's being said. But I think that our debates are getting really tiresome and like repetitive because they always end of in the same place; no where. At the beginning I thought the discussion was thriving, but from like the middle to the end it was getting really dull and people kept saying the same things over and over. i think that's why I didn't really say anything during the discussion because I felt like people were shooting down people's ideas and not being open minded. i didn't feel like arguing my point when obviously people weren't going to listen. Plus you had it covered, a lot of what you said was what I thought too. KA- KAAA *does hand twist* lol much love homie and good blog!