Sunday, November 9, 2008

The Awakening: Chapters 15-19

Chapters 15-19
1. What important event occurs in chapter 15?
2. Why is it now that Edna realizes she likes Robert?
3. Why does Robert leave?
Unfortunately, I read the end of the book so I already knew Robert left for Mexico. HOWEVER, I did not know why Robert had left. It’s obvious Robert leave because he realizes he is in love with Mrs. Pontellier but knows he could never have her. Edna and her husband then leave Lebrun’s for the winter. Once home Edna becomes sullen, insolent toward her husband, and eventually throws a temper tantrum. I think Edna’s outburst is because she feels so impotent and stuck in her life. I think she misses Robert but her awakening isn’t about Robert. It’s about her trying to assert herself in the world as a woman who demands to be treated like an equal.
On that note, I found pages 42 and 43 very interesting. Throughout the book I got really annoyed whenever Madam Ratignolle or Edna were apt to a fit of some sort. Whether it was the heat, exhaustion, or some made up ailment, both women seemed to not be able to handle ‘life’ sometimes. I understand that these couple pages aren’t the best example of these women’s ridiculous ‘tired fits’ but I think Edna deals with Robert’s departure immaturely. I also think it’s odd that she trying to assert herself as in equal in the world but simply because she’s a woman she pretends to have exhaustion fits for attention.

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