Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Class Discussions (up to 8/28)

Personally I think that this is a lot like the previous blog assignment of what I think of my AP English Class. Technically it is different though and I will treat it as such. I enjoy going to third period every day as long as it is my English class. I enjoy dissecting everything we read even if I didn’t enjoy reading it. I like that I am comfortable in throwing out my interpretations of the book, with the knowledge that I will get feed back. I want to hear what my peers have say. I get satisfaction when I hear some one say “oh I never thought of that” to an idea of mine, but more satisfaction when I think it toward another’s idea. I like that when I don’t understand something completely I can ask to have it repeated and generally I get an obliging reiteration. I am pleased with the fact that everyone participates as much as myself because my view is, after all, if I have to be here, why not try a little. I sometimes wish the notes of discussions posted on edline were a little more detailed, but who am I to talk, I never type them. I am not sure if I like the 5 questions. I think they create great discussions but I am unsure as to whether they really help me. I am really excited for this new way of blogging homework because I can see in depth what others are thinking about the class. I hope other class discussions continue in the same way.

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