Thursday, August 23, 2007

What I Think of My English Class (so far)

My English class is the one period in the day I look forward to going to. I think the entire class always has something interesting and enlightening to say. My favorite moments are the ones when I hear a peer’s idea and a light bulb goes on in my head and I think “Now why didn’t I think of that?”. I think the topics we contemplate and discuss are not considered important in much of our American culture because most people do not have the education or intelligence level we do. I believe this is the reason the topics are brought up. They are brought to our attention because we are the ones who have the power to change what we believe is wrong. We are all going to one of the finest private high schools in one of the largest cities in the Midwest. We will all go on to top colleges and push ourselves to be the best we can be. But there is more importance to our futures than simply that. Do you honestly think the only reason we are expected to do community service is because it looks good on college applications? Do you think we have core values simply because it makes a comfortable and safe environment for us all to work in? We have these expectations for reasons deeper than that. I believe that in the world we live in, we students are given the greatest possibility for great lives, to achieve great things. We are meant to do more with what University and our parents are giving us than just get into prestigious colleges and land prominent jobs. We are meant to help people who cannot help themselves. We will strive for excellence in our lives and come damn near to achieving it. That is what we are meant to do, but there is more significance to it.
In the book “Nickel and Dimed” the scariest fact I came to understand about living the minimum wage life is you can never pull yourself out of it. You are surviving on your wages, not saving for college. We are already ahead of half of the United State and most of us are only seventeen. The futures ahead of us are promising and hold so much possibility. I think only Spiderman’s uncle could say it better. “With great power comes great responsibility.”

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