Thursday, February 7, 2008

All of the commercials were bomb diggity. My favorite by far was Eli, Tony, Jordan, and Christina’s group. Not that everyone else’s was inferior…but Eli, Tony, Jordan, and Christina’s was superior. I’ll admit, I am a sucker for comedy. If you can make me laugh I like you. The same goes with commercials, the commercial made me laugh, I might consider paying more attention to the commercial which may lead to me buying the product. My favorite part of the whole commercial was near the end when Tony would say his line in an extra excited voice. But then again I really really liked the beginning with Eli. I cannot decide.
On a more serious note, I thought Allie’s, Tina’s, Nick’s, and Alex’s was quite effective as well. I liked that they presented a more serious commercial toward my age group. To me it meant they took my opinions and what I wanted seriously. A very good appeal to pathos. They also targeted vast majorities of my age group personally by featuring a basketball player, a smarty-pants, and a regular ol’ kid as people drinking their product and enjoying it.
The last commercial I want to talk about is the car commercial. The graphics were aesthetically pleasing and made the car so much more “cooler”. I feel like you depended on the greatness of your graphics mostly though. As visually tantalizing as the commercial was it didn’t engage me completely. My personality is the type that I like a lot of drama or jokes to catch my attention and I don’t really like cars. My lack of interest in the commercial could have been related to one or the other or both. I want you all to understand that it was evident that lots and lots of work went into the commercial which is what made the commercial so good.

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