Saturday, September 27, 2008

Heart of Darkness, Part 1- Sections 1 & 2

1. Who narrarates for this section of the book?
2. What does the snake represent?
3. Why do you thin the narrarator mentions dominoes before Marlow begins telling his story?
The begining of this book was incredibly slow-going. Marlow is telling his story of his voyage into Africa. The image that struck me the most in this first part is the two women Marlow encounters when he goes to the company to get permission to head into Africa. One is fat and one is slim. The slim one is always intorducing new people to the fat one. Right before Marlow begins his description of these two women, he mentions an ominous feeling, "It was just as though I had been let into some conspiracy- I don't know- something not quite right." He then goes on to describe how the fat woman seems to look at everyone as if she knows them. Marlow believes she has a sort of 'unconcerned wisdom' about her. What do these two women represent? I can't pin it down exactly what i think these two women symbolize but my guess is the fat one is the devil and the slim one is humanity, specifically the people working for this company. The company keeps recruiting people to go into Africa, rape the land for its resources and people, and somehow make it out sane. This is devilish work, work that only makes profit and kills in the process. Some people go mad from 'working with the devil' so to say.