Sunday, November 9, 2008

The Awakening: Chapters 24-28

Chapters 24-28

1. Who comes to visit and who all leaves?
2. Why does Chopin leave Robert out for this hefty majority of the book?
3. Do you think you react how Edna has reacted thus far in the book?
Is Edna truly in love with Robert? That IS the question. I have no flippin clue. Earlier in the book (chapters 15-19 ish) I would have argued no. But now, after she learns Robert is coming back and she is basically on a high, I have to think she is in love with him. I’m so confused! Is Edna just “awakening” or has Robert Awakened her? I think Robert (without knowing what he was doing) awakened Edna. Then Edna kisses Arobin. I think the woman is so confused and disoriented. I feel badly for her. Then there is foreshadowing when Mademoiselle Reisz feels her shoulder blades to see how strong her wings are. I know the ending so I know Edna’s wings are not that strong which bothers me a bit. I thought Edna would be a heroine in this book. She kind of annoys me and makes me want to clap my hands in front of her face and be like, “Buck Up”. She’s dithering about, waiting for Robert, giving off an air of elitist attitude, and not really doing anything. And because I know the ending I’m even more like, C’MON EDNA! Get it together woman!

1 comment:

Nick Randle said...

How can you feel bad for a woman who is supposedly in love with Robert, but yet at the tip of hat she is willing to create a different relationship with another man. If she doesn’t have feelings for Alcee, then why would she even kiss him. She has no morals. Even though there is supposedly no love in the relationship, she still is involved. I am trying to figure out what it is that would make people feel bad for Edna. Of course Edna is confused. She is involved with three different men. I don’t know of many women who have this issue. She has created all of her problems herself and it is all her fault for why she is on this downhill slide towards failure. If she doesn’t figure her problems or take care of them soon, she will definitely fail, and in fact she does fail at the end. I wouldn’t say that she doesn’t figure things out, because I do think that she does, it is more of an issue of her being bombarded with many thoughts that cause her to have a lapse in judgment. It is the mental issues that cause her to end her life or at least that is what my grandpa brain is telling me.