Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Presetations Day 2; Utter Disappointment

Haha. I hope I can begin my blog this way. I felt like I was so going to won on this presentation. I thought I wouldn’t need to have anything memorized, i.e. an introduction or conclusion. I bombed. Ok, ok, maybe I didn’t bomb but I definitely left out a few important things I thought I would remember. I don’t think I explained why finding an organization affiliated with a college in some way was so important to me. I know I didn’t give any quotes. It was so disappointing after the rush of presenting had died down. I went over everything I said and kept thinking, “Shoot, I forgot to say that!” But it was nice once I had finished sitting and relaxing and really focusing on everyone else’s presentation. I thought Ethan’s was really good because he was clear. I think a lot of what people had to say was lost on me because they weren’t speaking clearly or the ideas they were trying to get across didn’t flow or make complete sense. I really enjoyed Elise’s introduction. I liked the music a lot and I think it’s awesome she had a personal connection to her presentation.


ieyshawalker said...

ahhhhh , i had that same exact feeling && still do . i left out bunches of stuff in mine && after i looked at my outline , i was thinking OMG i def . didn`t cover 3 pages worth of information . but i guess it just happens , STUFF happens . yea , i agree with you on elise`s presentation . i enjoyed the music that she started her presentation with && that baby girl was so cute . but about your presentation , i def . loved the outfit .

STEVE "B.Will" Willliams said...

Yeah, I understand where you're coming from. Once i sat back down aftere my presentation I was like "Dang man! I knew I should have said that!". But I really enjoyed your presentation because you really seemed to have a passion for your organization. I also agree with you about Elise's music. I was gettin it in my chair when i hear it playing lol.

Katie said...

Hey Maggie,

It seems a lot of people have commented on this blog. It's because almost everyone in the class felt the same way you did.

I think I could have done much better on my presentation then I did. I do not think I pronounced words correctly, which was due to me being nervous. I think I should have memorized my speech instead of looking off my sheet and I think should have practiced it a few more times to be more familiar with it.

I noticed that a few people seemed to forget to tell the class what exactly their organization did. After some people’s speeches, they told me that they forgot to say stuff or they skipped a few lines from their speech.

I also liked Elise and Ieysha's openings with their PowerPoint’s because they were different than other openings from students.

You did a nice job presenting and I liked the professional outfit!

$E Money$ said...

Hey Maggie. Thanks for thinking mine was good, because I felt the same you did about forgeting important arguments. Although you say you forgot a lot of important information or quotes I thought you did a great job and the outfit was a nice touch. I too enjoyed Elise's music at the beginning, and the pictures in the backround gave us a sense of who we were helping. I don't completely agree with you on feeling I was clear, becuase I thought i jumped around a lot, but thanks for the comment.