Saturday, May 17, 2008

Joe's Desires

Joe desires human connection throughout most of the second half of the novel. By the end he wants to communicate to the world the horrors and realities of war. I agree with Joe’s desire for human connection. Even if I were not in Joe’s condition I would want human connection. Loneliness is such a simple feeling and yet I believe few have truly felt it. To feel alone in this world, to feel as though no one love you completely or wholly is depressing and scary. All I would want is human connection if I were in Joe’s situation. But at the end of the novel Joe want a voice in America. This is valiant but unrealistic. Joe wants to be brave and become the hero. But if I were in his situation (realistically thinking) I would want to be killed. I would no longer want to live and I wouldn’t care about the rest humanity. I also would probably blame them for my situation.

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