Friday, May 9, 2008

Joe's Injury

Joe Bonham has lost his legs, his arms, and his entire face. Essentially Joe has lost all senses besides touch. Somehow, Joe has for the most part remained sane and eventually Joe makes a goal for himself: to know the time. The fact that Joe makes a goal for himself is essential in understanding the book. Joe has only himself and his mind. To make a goal for himself and attempt to live means Joe hasn’t given up or gone insane. Joe’s ‘injury’ also deduces him to dead another important theme in the book. Because Joe is the closest to death a person can come Trumbo creates Joe’s credibility. Joe has been dead and going to war isn’t worth it.

1 comment:

해성 said...

I think the fact that he only has his torso and his head (not even his face) is very depressing. I can't imagine living like that. The fact that he is not giving up and he's making goals for himself is pretty incredible. I think his inability to touch, move, feel, taste, see, smell, or other things that he can't do, made him a stronger person in the inside because he is more aware of who he is now, even though it is depressing.