Sunday, February 1, 2009

Reaction to Question 3

The Director, MM, is arguing for the positivity of society while the Savage is arguing that society is horrific. I think both have good points. The director points out everyone is always happy and society is stable- no wars, no disease. However, in exchange for stability and contentment there is no passion in life. Passionate anger, love, sadness, etc. People don't really feel. That's where the savage's argument makes quite a bit of sense. The Savage points out that he's felt all passionate feelings and he wouldn't trade them for stability. I know I wouldn't trade those feelings for stability. And Shakespeare and love and grief. That's what makes us human. I understand the savage and his argument yet i didn't necessarily feel for him. It was odd but when I read about him whipping himself I wasn't moved. His argument in Chapter 17 is not about freedom. He brings up God and literature. I think part of my problem in getting into this book is I couldn't identify with John.

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