Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Fifth Grade Finger Grows Back!

Pseudo argument is a tough term to find an example of. The reason behind this is not that I don’t completely understand the term but that I am a seventeen year old kid. How the hell do I know if god exists or not? Or if abortion is murder? Or following that line of thought, if stem cell research is murder? I only know what I feel is right. No argument is based on fact, we live in one big enthymeme. Therefore, it is hard for me to pick a side of an argument and say that they are being fanatical believers. I would have to pick something simple as an example so I will pick a fifth grade argument I once had. It was the middle of class one day when my friend Alex turned and showed me how one of his pinkie fingers was longer than the other. I was amazed. How had it happened I questioned.
“Welp, one day when I was out back of my house I was whittling a stick and I cut off my finger.”
“Wow!” I answered awe apparent in my voice.
“Yep, it grew back.”
Ok, now I may have been in fifth grade but I wasn’t born the day before. I made a face then burst out laughing. I began arguing with him explaining that it was impossible for any appendage on you body to GROW BACK. Alex was insistent however. The finger had grown back he assured me. It was his body, he would know! I was completely beside myself with his idiocy. We were in fifth grade; it was time for him to know this. After fifteen minutes of heated debate I suggest we go ask the teacher. I’ll bet you can guess who was right. After explaining to Alex the science of our bodies and the only possibility of retrieving what had been cut off (going to the hospital and getting it stitched back on) Alex was still adamant that his finger had grown back. I would have to say this is a pseudo argument considering Alex did not even consider the possibility of getting it sewn back on or his skin growing over that spot that once held flesh.

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